June 13, 2019 |

Anna Lawrence

The Difference Maker

What truly makes you different from your competitor? For one segment of your audience, it may come down to price. For a majority of your audience, it will come down to value. And the perception of value stems mainly from their experience.

What truly makes you different from your competitor? For one segment of your audience, it may come down to price. For a majority of your audience, it will come down to value. And the perception of value stems mainly from their experience.

Who controls the experience? Typically, it is your front-line associates. So what are you doing to help your associates be customer experience savvy?

Ask for feedback. I’ve said it before and it bears repeating – you need regular feedback from your customers to gauge the experience staff is delivering. AND you need to ask more than the rote “Did you find everything you need today?” In order to foster growth in your employees, it’s important to provide regular feedback on what they do well – and honest, candid feedback on where they need to make improvements. The best staffs must be cultivated, so that your people continually grow, professionally and personally.

Perpetuate a “We” focus, instead of a “Me” focus. It is natural for people to be concerned with their own well-being first and foremost. Staff that can make the connection between growth and success for the company and the resulting benefits for them will base decisions and actions on what will nurture the company. Help them connect the dots.

Stay apprised of your associates’ happiness.  Why should you be concerned with the happiness of your associates? Because happy and fulfilled employees will perform better and with more passion, which directly translates to better customer experiences.

When it comes to deciding where to spend their dollars, consumers are deliberate. Investing the time to help your staff excel in the delivery of customer experiences will make a noticeable difference in your company’s bottom line. And THAT’S the real difference maker.