December 20, 2017 |

Anna Lawrence

Do Your Thing

Planning events.  That’s what does it for me.  It’s that thing that’s just… in me.  The checklists, phone calls, scheduling, décor…  seeing it all come together and then looking on, watching everyone enjoying themselves.  I get immense satisfaction from it.

Planning events.  That’s what does it for me.  It’s that thing that’s just… in me.  The checklists, phone calls, scheduling, décor…  seeing it all come together and then looking on, watching everyone enjoying themselves.  I get immense satisfaction from it.

Planning events is not something I decided to do for a career, although every now and then, it’s energizing to have a project to work on.

Most of us have a Thing.  It’s a Thing that we really enjoy doing, but for whatever reason, is different than what we Do in our careers.  Some of us are lucky enough to have a part of our Thing incorporated into our career, and there are even a few out there that actually get to Do their Thing for a living.  Those people are very blessed.

Now I’m not saying I don’t enjoy what I Do every day – I am terribly blessed to get to Do what I Do every day, with people that I genuinely enjoy Doing it with. And I hope that you also really enjoy what you Do, because honestly, life is too short not to. Plus, your level of enjoyment likely plays a big role in you being good at it.  But I challenge you to reach deep down and think about that Thing you used to love doing that you simply haven’t had time or opportunity for as of late.

Once you identify that Thing, give yourself a Christmas gift, and make time to do it again… and again.  It will provide you immense joy, inspiration and invigoration.

It’s about to be a brand new year.  Start a new habit… of something old. Do your Thing!