It’s a wonderful world to create.
Today’s technology means that it doesn’t take huge budgets to produce content – and there are plenty of free channels on which to publish.
But the abundance of possibility for production also means that consumers have their choice of thousands, even millions, of messages to consider. What will make yours worth their time?
Know your audience. The number one key to content that gets consumed, is to create something that is of value to the intended audience. It starts with an understanding that reaches beyond basic demographics. Understand what speaks to the interest of your audience, and deliver your message at a level that is understandable and engaging.
Be passionate. If you are excited, they will be excited. Passion is one of the most contagious human emotions. Never create content just to hit a deadline or get something out there – if you’re not excited, it will show.
Tell a secret. Don’t be afraid to share some of your secrets. Giving new knowledge to others builds value and establishes you as an expert. Trust that whatever you know – whatever your skill – it is uniquely yours. No one will do it quite your way, so don’t keep all your cards too close.
Good content is one of the fastest ways to build an audience. With a little planning and effort, you can gain the following of like-minded people who want to hear what you have to say, and will likely share your content with others.